Registration Fee
The Registration Fee is a one-time non-refundable payment payable before the first day of the start of the term.
Tuition Fees
The tuition fees can be paid in full on registration or by the monthly payment plan.
Tuition fees cover the following:
Overall Tuition
Examination Fees
Rental of Graduation Gown and Cap
Graduation Certificate/Diploma
In addition to the tuition fees, students will be required to purchase required course reading books. These can be purchased in either book or e-reader format.
Monthly Payments
Your tuition fees are to be paid on or before the 5th of every month. You will need to set up a Standing Order with your bank. You will also need to budget for these monthly payments. Monthly payments commence the month after the registration fee has been paid (dates may vary depending on your college start date).
Tuition fee payments should be kept up to date and any outstanding (overdue) fees need to be paid in full before a student begins the next academic year.
To participate in the graduation ceremony and be part of the graduation service, a student’s account must be paid in full. If a student leaves CBC with outstanding fees owing, we will not send out reports and the student will not receive a certificate or diploma until this has been rectified.
Refund Policy
If you have paid your tuition fees in full and then, for any reason decide to withdraw within the first term from CBC, after you have registered as a student, the remaining tuition fees will be calculated on a pro-rata basis and a refund will be issued to you within thirty days.
No refund will be given because of withdrawal after the first term of any college year, or if a student is asked to leave because of non-compliance with the college requirements.
Additional Fees
Reinstatement Fee
If you are officially removed from the student register by the CBC office, you will have ten days to apply for reinstatement. A reinstatement fee of $50.00 will need to be paid.
Replacement Student ID Card
Lost student ID cards can be replaced at the cost of $10.
No unauthorized offerings or funds shall be collected on the CBC campus for any purpose.
In certain circumstances CBC can authorize offerings, e.g. “Good Samaritan Offerings” – please speak to the CBC office.
Soliciting Funds
No student will be allowed to solicit funds from fellow students or partners of Carmel City Church, this involves seeking to obtain funds by persuasion, entreaty, or to petition persistently.
This could be grounds for discipline and/or dismissal.
The required books are available in the Carmel Bookstore